
Iowa BEST Summit Fall 2021

Ended Nov 20, 2021
1 credit

Full course description

ATTENTION:  All summit participants must first register at: You should only enroll in this PD course if you want to earn ILRU credit for attending the summit.

The Summit is designed to highlight our collective need to bolster support and care across our educational system, and to build our shared capacity to get there. This two-day event will provide attendees with valuable information, resources, and practical solutions around social-emotional-behavioral health.

Course Objectives:

Iowa BEST 2021 seeks to:

1. Raise awareness of – and build a systemic plan around – mental health needs and best practices in schools.

2. Strengthen leadership teams around safe, healthy and caring learning environments that support accelerating learning;

3. Support implementation of multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS);

4. Build educator and practitioner knowledge and skills in social-emotional-behavioral health (SEBH) for all learners;

5. Build educator knowledge and skills in Social-Emotional Learning and accelerating learning;

6. Increase knowledge of family and community engagement best practices;

7. Increase understanding of best practices in early childhood, with an emphasis on social-emotional learning and well-being; and

8. Provide information to attendees about current law and requirements in early intervention, special education, and SF2310/1003

Course Requirements:

Attend all sessions and complete all readings and discussions via the online course platform through the Baker Teacher Leader Center.

Course Materials:

All course material will be provided via the online course platform you will access after you register for the conference and the course.

** Attention: If you wish to use this course for licensure renewal credit, make sure to check with your school district for approval prior to registering for the course.