Tier 1 Module 6: Establishing Bully-Free Classrooms and Schools
Time limit: 31 days
Full course description
Creator: Creator: Dr. Chad Rose, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Missouri, and the Director of the Mizzou Ed Bully Prevention Lab.
Description: In this module, we will learn evidence-based strategies for establishing bully-free schools through school-wide training and implementation of universal bully prevention interventions for K-12 schools, while providing targeted and individualized interventions for students who are at-risk for escalated rates of bullying involvement.
- Participants will understand the defining characteristics of bullying and associated roles.
- Participants will understand predictive and protective factors associated with bullying involvement.
- Participants will understand various school-wide prevention methods.
Estimated time to complete: 2-3 hours
- Educators will have 31 days to complete the module. After submitting an assignment for the module, it might take anywhere from 1-2 weeks for it to be graded. As soon as all assignments are submitted and graded, you will receive an email letting you know you've completed the module. Also, if you don't complete the module in time, you will not receive your certificate of completion.
- The certificate participants receive after completing each module is not valid for licensure credit.
- Licensure Renewal Credit Option: Educators will have to enroll in the Licensure Renewal Course and complete all 6 Tier 1 modules to receive a certificate for one Iowa licensure renewal credit. Educators who are not in the state of Iowa, or who don’t renew their licensure through the Iowa BoEE, should check with their governing body if this experience would be approved for a renewal credit.